New Lower School Division Director Appointed
The Colorado Springs School is delighted to announce the appointment of its new Lower School Director, Nathan J. Mylin, effective July 1, 2022. Mr. M…
National Honor Society Inducts Members
The Ursa Major chapter of the National Honor Society (NHS) formally inducted 17 members, introduced the new council, and recognized three members wit…
Victory at the 1940s Era of Swing Gala & Auction
Photos provided by Ray Louie Portrait & Wedding Photography. View more photos here. A swell time was had by all at The Colorado Springs School'…
Celebrating Children's School Art
The PreK Art Show held in the Trianon Terrace Room highlighted the work of CSS's youngest Kodiak artists through an exhibition of paintings, drawings…
Vocal and Band Performances Return Indoors
Upper School Vocal Ensemble kicked off the celebration with an intimate performance for family, faculty, and friends in the Trianon Terrace Room.
Middle School Adventures During Seminar II
Prior to spring break, students in 6th through 8th grades embarked on Seminar II of CSS's three-part signature Middle School program, which provides …
Upper Schooler Finds the Right Fit at CSS
Audrey B. ’22 arrived at The Colorado Springs School as a painfully shy 9th grader. Fast forward four years to her senior year of high school, and sh…
Youngest Thespians Wrap Up Dessert Theatre Season
Kindergarten: Swimmy Swimmy is the fastest fish in his school. How will Swimmy and his friend trick bigger fish into swimming away from their little …
2nd & 4th Graders Perform in Dessert Theatre
2nd Grade: The Toy Machine The King has decided to save the Kingdom of Melichor using a Toy Machine that makes live toys. He will sell these toys and…