Bonaire Scuba ECS | Some Refreshing Water
Theo C. '23 March 04, 2020 After two days of completing classwork and creating projects, it was almost time to prepare for the …
Wilderness Emergency Medicine ECS | Our First Day
Libby W. '23 and Matthew P. '20 March 04, 2020 Our first day in California was filled with fun adventures and activities. We s…
Storytelling Through Film ECS | Exploring Documentary Filmed with Smartphones and Gimbals
Luke T. '20 March 03, 2020 On Tuesday, students again spent the morning with Taylor Nygaard, a film professor at the Universit…
Bonaire Scuba ECS | The Big and the Small
Leo G. '20 March 03, 2020 During the first two days of our ECS, we basically did two things: Figuring out how Earth came to be…
Espana | 2020 John-Alex Mason ECS Scholarship Recipient
Anslee Wolfe, Communications and Marketing Manager March 03, 2020 Senior Estin N. ’20 has studied Spanish since the 1st grade, …
Storytelling Through Film ECS | Getting Started!
Sarina M. '20 March 03, 2020 After the two-hour delay on Monday, it was imperative that we jump right into the process of filmm…
8th Grader Named National Geographic GeoBee Colorado State Competition Semifinalist
Anslee Wolfe, Communications and Marketing Manager March 03, 2020 The results are in! The National Geographic Society named Mic…
Announcing The Colorado Springs School's 10th Head of School
Pio Hocate and Heather Kelly, Head Search Co-Chairs February 28, 2020 Dear The Colorado Springs School Community, On behalf of …
Middle School’s 2020 annual National Geographic GeoBee
Anslee Wolfe, Communications and Marketing Manager January 14, 2020 Eighth grader Micah R. ‘24 took first place Tuesday in the…