Yellowstone | Boots Filled With Water
Joosung K. '19, Junior March 14, 2018 Would you be willing to walk 1.5 miles in soaking wet boots with heavy, wet socks? What i…
Freedom on the River | On Twitter
Dahveed Benson March 14, 2018 Are you following the Freedom on the River ECS on Twitter? Head over to Twitter (@CSSBigMuddy201…
The Great Iron Pour | The Molding Process
Jan. R. '19 March 13, 2018 The first week of ECS we focused on making our artworks, working towards getting all of our pieces i…
The Great Iron Pour | Media Release for Iron Pour on March 17, 2018
Jessica L. James, Director of Communications and Advancement March 14, 2018 Through hands-on immersion into historic techniques…
School Safety
Aaron Schubach, Head of School March 12, 2018 Dear CSS community, I write to you about the important issues of stu…
Yellowstone| Unplugged: One Small Snowshoe Step
Lewis D. '18 March 12, 2018 Dear family and friends, The Yellowstone crew is on our third day unplugged and we are surpas…
Freedom on the River | Paddle, Bike, and Explore
Sarina M. ‘20, Kylie C. ‘20, and Natalie R. ‘18 March 11, 2018 During our time in St. Louis, we experienced many different acti…
Balancing Act | A Dynamic Group
Heather H. '21 March 11, 2018 We were introduced to our ECS with a group bonding activity. This activity showed us that even tho…
India | Bricks, Balla, And Bollywood
Jamie B. '19 March 11, 2018 Today was our first official day in Balla with our homestays and the best one so far. To kick the da…