Scandinavia ECS | From Colorado Springs to Copenhagen
Ivy M., ‘17 and Victor W, ‘17 March 09, 2017 We are sending this first blog post from our hotel in Copenhagen! While we may be …
Space Exploration ECS | Lift Off
Ian Y. ‘18 and Jacky Z. ‘19 March 08, 2017 This morning the Space Exploration ECS group officially launched its first model roc…
Law & Order ECS | Bill of Rights and Jail
Emma W. '18 and John N. '20 March 07, 2017 On the first day of the Law & Order ECS, the group split into two groups. One gro…
Hiring Season
Aaron Schubach, Head of School February 13, 2017 Dear CSS Families, Several important members of our community have let me know …
Host Family Voices: Amy Johnson-Smith
Amaya Firestone, Advancement and Communication Assistant February 02, 2017 Amy Johnson-Smith was a teacher for years at CSS befo…
Tuition Lock Program for 2017-2018
Aaron Schubach, Head of School December 05, 2016 Dear CSS Families, This year, our school has experienced many successes, both l…
Big Blue Blocks Bring Open-Ended Play to Campus
Amaya Firestone, Advancement Assistant November 14, 2016 Colorado Springs, Colo. – The Colorado Springs School is excited to w…
The Innovation Lab: Supporting Innovation, Computer Science and Technology Education
Aaron Schubach, Head of School October 19, 2016 Since our founding 54 years ago, The Colorado Springs School has sent forth gr…
2016 Recap of Founders' Day Hall of Fame Assembly
September 30, 2016 On September 23, 2016, The Colorado Springs School cemented the connection of the school’s past and present with Founders’ Day…