During the 52nd Commencement Exercises the three highest faculty awards were presented by Head of School, Mr. Aaron Schubach. Additionally, those faculty/staff completing 10 years of service to the school were honored with Trianon prints during professional week and celebrations continued to honor longstanding colleagues set to retire. Thank you to the incredible faculty/staff who works tirelessly to advance the mission of the school and to positively impact the lives of students.
Sarah H. Elizabeth Hoiles Outstanding Faculty Award
Sarah Hoiles graduated from CSS in the class of 1994. In July 1997 the family and the school established an annual faculty award in her name. Sarah’s niece Regan S. ‘21 was welcomed to the podium. Regan described the award created in honor of her aunt, Sarah Hoiles.
“The Sarah Hoiles Outstanding Faculty Award is given to the individual who provides exemplary service to the CSS community, has been here three or more years, demonstrates commitment above and beyond the standard job requirements, demonstrates enthusiasm for teaching, learning, and helping others, and serves as a role model for all faculty and students at The Colorado Springs School.”
Aaron: “Thank you, Reagan.
With grace and charm, our award winner consoles students, guides families, schedules events, coordinates summer camps, answers calls, tracks attendance, and offers smiles that can brighten anyone’s day.
Her office in the Trianon serves as a command center for daily school life. From carefully inventorying lifesaving medication for every student trip to the flowers that our graduates wear today, her attention to detail and personal touches are everywhere. Her work impacts the health of our school, both physically and emotionally. She is both kind and calm in the midst of the chaos of forgotten homework, lost and found objects, illness, and even evacuation drills.
If you are wondering the best way for you to honor her for winning this award, it might be for all parents to return their medical permissions, physicals and immunization records on-time this year!
It is with great pleasure that I announce Ann Runte as the 2017 winner of the Sarah H. Hoiles Outstanding Faculty Award.”
Edward E. Ford Foundation Excellence in Teaching Award
This award is given to a faculty member who has taught at CSS for a minimum of five years, epitomizes CSS’s concept of teaching, is committed to the growth and learning of students both in and out of the classroom, is an example to other teachers and has devoted a significant portion of his or her time to classroom studies.
“The 2017 recipient of the Edward E. Ford Foundation Excellence in Teaching Award joined the CSS faculty 23 years ago.
Her peers describe her as a creative and organized teacher who develops strong relationships with her students. Her masterful mix of structure and curiosity about academic subjects make her classroom an emotionally safe and interesting place for her Children’s School students to build their skills and confidence.
Her leadership at The Colorado Springs School extends beyond the classroom. She is excellent at starting creative initiatives and inspiring her colleagues to implement new ideas. She laid the foundation for many of the programs in Children’s School. One example is the Geography Fair, an annual tradition of theme-based, cross-grade level, teaching and learning. On a less serious note, she has been known to, on occasion, literally get out the pom-poms and actually cheerlead at school assemblies and events.
A lifelong learner herself, she has most recently focused on helping children with dyslexia. She has become an Academic Language Practitioner through the ALT Association, and for the past three years she has worked with several students to improve their reading through the Take Flight Program.
We are fortunate to have her at CSS. Her passion for her students, her expertise, and her sense of humor, never more on display than when her beloved Vikings defeat the Packers, set her apart.
Colleen Nissen is the 2017 recipient of the Edward E. Ford Foundation Excellence in Teaching Award.”
Mary Flynn Flemke Leadership in Education Award
The Mary Flynn Flemke Leadership in Education Award recognizes outstanding individual accomplishment in the education of students and the advancement of the school. The award is given to a faculty member who leads by example, who is fiercely loyal to the school, who exceeds the traditionally high standards of our faculty, who combines the managerial skills to make sure that things get done with the leadership skills to make sure the right things get done.
“The 2017 recipient of the Mary Flemke Leadership in Education Award is completing her 12th year of service to the school.
This year’s recipient is an ideal match for the Mary Flemke Award. In the words of one of her peers, “I have never seen a person more loyal to The Colorado Springs School or committed to its growth and advancement.” She is a tireless advocate for the school and its students in the community.
A consummate teacher, she can relate everything she does with students on the court or in seminar to a clearly definable goal. She believes that sports are more than just physical or competitive pursuits; they are activities that teach the values of the school just as much as traditional academics.
As the Mary Flemke Award requires, she exceeds the high standards of our faculty and this is something that is quite hard to do. She leads by example, volunteering her weekends, evenings, summers, and vacation to help her team and all athletes at CSS. She is nationally certified in Physical Education. She has written and received grants that benefit CSS programs. And each spring her outstanding Southwest photography seminar is a favorite for students and faculty.
Vicki Vaughan is the winner of the 2017 Mary Flemke Leadership Award.”
10-Year Ceremony
Following end-of-year ceremonies and during teacher in-service days, 10-year prints of the Trianon were presented to those faculty/staff who have dedicated 10 years of service to CSS. The individuals included Jessica L. James (Advancement), and Elaine Humphries (Children’s School Spanish and Counseling).
Farewell Celebrations
Last week, the school also honored six esteemed colleagues retiring from CSS with a festive end-of-school Ice Cream Social on the Quad. Mr. Rick Risk (Athletics), Mrs. Mariana Pereda (Spanish), Mrs. Misti Johnston (Mathematics), Mrs. Carol Mayberry (Children’s School Division Lead), Mrs. Gretchen Gresham (French) and Mrs. Libby Leachman (Kindergarten) were all celebrated for their time and dedication at CSS.