After having fun with theater games and working as groups to try and come up with two actor scripts, it was time to see what we could do, acting wise, with our creative scripts. That is when we headed to the Westside Community Center to put our acting skills to the test. All of us were definitely up for the challenge because we had been grounding our improv skills. This was not a simple day. It was filled with a lot of acting, which was truly fun in my opinion. The skills that we worked on could, most definitely, help us in the future. This day truly helped polish our collaboration skills, our public speaking skills, and of course our writing skills. I personally believe theater can help you in many ways, with skills you never thought of.
To start the day off at the Westside Community Center, we walked in and had a great discussion on our scripts we created the day before. Obviously, this was not our final ten-page script, but this was just a helpful starting point, to get us thinking about ideas for our final product. After that, we randomly got assigned scripts and performed them. At this point, some students had opportunities to visualize what they wanted their scenes to look like, therefore they were picked to direct two other students in a scene of their choosing. We acted out our scripts again, but with some direction from our fellow directors. Then we got some feedback from our teachers. They acted as audiences and critics.
In the afternoon, we worked on our scenes, and got to perform them one last time. It was exciting to see how the scenes transformed when coming from in front of the classroom, to on the big stage. There were many differences and much improved since the first time we acted out our scenes. For example, the first time my group performed our scene, there was not much movement or props in use. Once we got to our last performance of the day, I was put in a trash bag dress, to serve as a dress a princess would wear. We all truly got creative with these scenes, which will definitely help us think about our own scenes we will have to come up with. Overall, this day was fun, but again, a challenge. I believe I got out of my comfort zone to make the acting come alive. It was odd wearing a trash bag as a dress, but it got many laughs from the audience. This day was very fun, and one to truly remember.