A Message from the Head of School Transition Committee
Lorie Malone P'19, P'22, P'27

“Is there anyone that does not need to navigate uncertainty and risk on a regular basis? To be alive is to be vulnerable; to be a leader is to be vulnerable every minute of the day. You don’t get to opt out!” -Brené Brown, Daring Leadership
Dear CSS Community,
As we make our way to the end of a school year marked by change, we wanted to introduce you to the efforts of the Head of School Transition Team. As chair, and together with my fellow committee members, we will work to ensure a strong Head of School transition.

Our first efforts are to wish Aaron Schubach a fond farewell and offer an enthusiastic welcome to Tambi Tyler. Aaron Schubach concludes his leadership tenure on June 12, 2020, and Tambi Tyler begins as the school’s 10th Head of School on July 1, 2020.
While celebrations during safer-at-home restrictions preclude us from a large gathering to see off the Schubach family, we’d like to invite you to campus on Tuesday, May 26, from 3:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. for a drive-by honoring of Mr. Schubach’s leadership and to offer best wishes to his family. More details to follow.
Members of the Head of School Transition Committee are as follows:
Lorie Malone P’19, P’22, P’27 - Trustee; Advancement Committee; Enrollment/Marketing Committee; Transition Committee Chair; Civic Leader
Donna Taylor P’18, P’20 - Former President of the Parent Advisory Board
Jessica James P’28, P’30 - Director of Communications and Advancement
Jody Bates Bliss - Children’s School Division Director
Joy Maguire-Parsons P’21 - Director of Admission
Mike Edmonds - Trustee; Executive Committee; Dean of Students and Vice President for Student Life, Colorado College
Vicki Vaughan - Athletic Director, Basketball Coach
Pio Hocate P’16, P’20, P’27 - Board of Trustees President; Radiologist, Optum
Heather Kelly P’27, P’30 - Trustee; Advancement Committee; CEO, SSPR Public Relations Agency
Warm regards,
Lorie Malone
Transition Committee Chair