A standing ovation is deserved! Ms. Sandra Bray is directing her final theatre performance after 25 years of dedicated service to CSS. A global pandemic tried to stand in the way of the spring musical, Fiddler on the Roof, but she refused to accept that the theatre would remain dark. She got to work on an alternate plan as she firmly believed “the show must go on.” Her intricate plan for an outdoor performance was the result of her perseverance and farm-bred work ethic. Bray outlined socially-distanced rehearsals for the cast and crew and a flurry of activity on the Terrace is making way for built sets, costumes, sound, and lighting. She epitomizes a tough-as-nails attitude and she goes the extra mile for students to experience all that the craft has to offer. In return, her students shine and achieve levels only she imagined were possible.
This spring students dedicated the yearbook in her honor and named Ms. Bray as the recipient of the Mary Wicks Award. In 2001, she earned the Sarah Hoiles Outstanding Faculty award only to follow it up ten years later in 2011 with the E.E. Ford Excellence in Teaching Award.
After writing and directing countless Children’s School Dessert Theatre performances, Middle School theatre, Revues, and Upper School plays and musicals, Ms. Bray will bring down the house with this final performance.
Fiddler on the Roof will be performed July 31 and August 1, 2020, at 7:30 p.m. on the Terrace for CSS families with reservations following guidelines of the health department.
Make Your Reservations for Fiddler
Melissa Hafter P’17, P’20 is serving as the House Manager and managing all reservations, if you have technical problems the reservation form or have questions, please direct them to her. Reservations must be made by Thursday, June 30, 2020, or until capacity is reached.

Click here for more details on the Fiddler on the Roof.
Click here for pictures of Fiddler on the Roof rehearsals.