After two long overnight flights from Denver to Miami and Miami to Denver, we are all ecstatic to have finally arrived! Not only was this my first overnight flight, but it was also my first flight without a source of technology. I’ll be honest; I wasn’t anxious to leave my phone at home, but it was very refreshing. Instead of staring at my phone the entire time, I could people watch, talk to friends, reflect, and think about my goals for the trip. I don’t think I’ve ever been this productive in an airport.
Another refreshing aspect of the trip was stepping out of the airplane into Bonaire’s warm, humid air after being trapped in Colorado’s winter for so long. The ocean water here is bluer than anything I’ve ever seen before, so we had time to take in the view and relax. Following that, we ate an amazing dinner with tons and tons of options while once again having an amazing view of the ocean, a live band, countless palm trees, and white sand under our Chacos.
The difference between an ECS and a family vacation is the experience. I would have never left my phone at home for a family vacation or reflected as much as I have. Everyone is constantly brainstorming new goals for the trip and appreciating the little things. Thus, this trip so far has been filled with refreshing experiences: walking out of the plane and into the warm humid air, looking out at the ever so turquoise water, reflecting upon all of our experiences, and simply creating memories in this new, foreign place that only CSS’s Experience-Centered Seminars could provide for us.