6 de marzo, 2016
It’s 3 o’clock in the morning, and the Cuernavaca ECS watches the lights of Colorado Springs disappear into the distance as the bus takes us closer and closer to Denver International Airport. After a quick check in at the registration counter, we are off to TSA security. Although some had TSA PreCheck and others didn’t, we all made it through. We flew to Dallas and then to Mexico City.
A Scenic bus ride later, we reach our final destination - Cuernavaca, Morelos. After several minutes, the nervous anticipation of who our host families were was over. My host mother walked with Laney and I back to her house. We had the privilege of meeting her family: her husband, her daughter and her two small dogs. After a little time to unpack, we came down to a dinner comprised of tostadas, small cut taquitos wrapped in tortillas with chicken, avocado, and salsa verde. After a late dinner, we went to a supermercado to pick up some groceries. On the way there, are host mother pointed out historic buildings such as churches, Cathedrals, and state-owned Enterprises. The smell of food and the sounds of music permeated the air, blanketing the city in an aura of culture and light-heartedness. We stopped by a market on the street and our host family graciously bought us an elote, a Mexican delicacy consisting of corn on the cob covered in cheese and mayonnaise (and sometimes chile and lime!). Later, we returned home and watched “Instructions Not Included” a popular Mexican film.
Today has been a long day of travel, but we are all very excited to be here and to get practicing our español!