Dear CSS Families,

- We are ready to implement health and safety practices for employees and students when we physically return to campus.
- We are researching and designing schedule innovations that would allow us to reopen with social distancing.
- You should expect to receive regular communication and updates on unfolding plans by mid-July.
- Other announcements:
- Decisions about the Upper School musical, Fiddler on the Roof proposed for July 31 & August 1 and a public Commencement Exercise for the Class of 2020, proposed for August 8, will be made in the next several weeks based on the current state of restrictions on public gatherings.
- The asbestos mitigation and roof repairs in the Children’s Academic Center (CAC) are proceeding on schedule and to a high standard. The building will be completely free from any contamination well before the beginning of school.
Non-returning Faculty
Sandy Bray, this year’s recipient of the Et Apres yearbook dedication and Mary Wicks Award, deserves a standing ovation for her 24 years of service to CSS. She has inspired generations of actors to be their best and made productions in the Louisa Performing Arts Center the best show in town.
Board of Trustees

Personal and Professional Gratitude
This is my last communication as Head of School. Thank you for the special notes, honks and waves, and the many kindnesses that have been extended to me and my family during the close of the school year and my entire time here, for that matter. It has been a privilege to serve CSS for 13 years, seven in the classroom, and six as Head of School. My life has been incalculably enriched by the laughter, the authentic conversations, and the ambition and heart of this fine school. I’m grateful to have made deep connections with our students, teachers, and parents. I have a special word of gratitude for Anna Sass, my spouse and support system for the last 23 years. Her efforts with our children, Ben ‘25 and Henry, made my work at CSS possible, and her intelligence and good sense made me and my work better at every turn.
The CSS Leadership Team and Board of Trustees have led the school with skill, vision, and grit. It has been a pleasure learning and leading with this fine team. Pio Hocate, our President of the Board is an inspirational leader who understands CSS, the culture, and the many opportunities, better than anyone I know.
Thank you for reading this lengthy letter. It is my privilege to warmly welcome Ms. Tambi Tyler to CSS, she will assume her duties on June 15th. The CSS community is in very good hands.
Warm Regards,
Aaron Schubach
The Colorado Springs School
Head of School