Today was sort of a different day for us. We slowed down a bit after returning from our homestay families by taking time to explore. Before we explored, we went to the Québec Parliament and learned about their governmental systems as well as important figures in their government’s history. This was a good way to tie up our trip because it allowed us to reflect on how some of the issues we have been learning about, such as separatism and bilingualism, are dealt with in Québec. We also learned about one of the great mysteries of Quebec history, the missing remains of the beloved founder, Samuel de Champlain.
As our final culminating activity we wandered through Old Québec and finished an earlier activity in the Place Royale (that had been postponed due to extreme cold) square in between a bit of shopping and some food. Fortunately, it was the warmest, sunniest day of our entire ECS! After our afternoon of exploration, we ended our trip with a fun evening at Bras-Forts’ house, eating Morrocan food for dinner and playing a variant of the game Mafia, called “le loup-garou”, the werewolf. We had a great ECS and learned a lot, but we are very excited to head home!
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