May 07, 2019
Dear CSS Community,
I have several important announcements to share regarding the 2019-2020 school year.
In general, we are continuing to see trends of selective and intentional enrollment growth, curriculum enhancement, and the addition of talented educators joining the CSS team.
As many of you know through personal communication, several long-tenured CSS faculty members are either retiring or shifting professional gears at the end of the year. These faculty members include (listed in order of their tenure at CSS): Paul Young (part-time US Mathematics), Jen Hedden (part-time US Mathematics), Twyla Surritte (Early Childhood Admin Assistant/Extended Care), Rusty Haynes (Director of College Counseling), Anne Taylor (US History), and Lee Ann Hesselberg (PreK). We’re grateful for their years of service to CSS, and we wish them the best of luck in what I’m sure will be interesting new pursuits. We are thrilled that Jen Hedden will lead an ECS for us in 2020.
Additionally, I wish to provide gratitude to Nan and Stu Thomas, international host parents. They have hosted 27 CSS students since 1994, and they will “retire” as their final international student graduates this May. Thank you for this unique contribution.
Also, the following faculty are moving on next year: Maggie Beltrami (Children’s School Director), Adele DuBay (US Mathematics), Vivian Edelson (Kindergarten), Diane Farrell (K-2 Art and Extended Care), Nadja Hunter ‘99 (Registrar), Julie Hamilton (1st Grade), Robin Jacober (Physical Education), Andrew Julian (Science and Computer Science), and Kimberly Nielsen (Media Specialist). We wish them the best in their new endeavors and invite you to join us on the quad for an end-of-year Ice Cream Social at 11:45 a.m. on Tuesday, May 21, to say thank you and farewell to these faculty members.
Also, the following faculty are moving on next year: Maggie Beltrami (Children’s School Director), Adele DuBay (US Mathematics), Vivian Edelson (Kindergarten), Diane Farrell (K-2 Art and Extended Care), Nadja Hunter ‘99 (Registrar), Julie Hamilton (1st Grade), Robin Jacober (Physical Education), Andrew Julian (Science and Computer Science), and Kimberly Nielsen (Media Specialist). We wish them the best in their new endeavors and invite you to join us on the quad for an end-of-year Ice Cream Social at 11:45 a.m. on Tuesday, May 21, to say thank you and farewell to these faculty members.
A summer Head’s Letter will introduce new faculty and staff members. And of course, all families are invited to attend the back-to-school Ice Cream Social at 6:30 p.m. August 16, 2019, to meet their teachers for 2019-2020 and to celebrate the opening of school.
I look forward to seeing you on campus during the many upcoming celebrations events.
Aaron Schubach
Head of School