Dear CSS Community,
The silhouettes of Cheyenne Mountain and Pikes Peak and the budding trees and grass in town are a stark juxtaposition to the local, national, and international news stories I read too frequently. For many of us, this time of transition and uncertainty offers personal insights and moments of deep connection to family, in addition to isolation, financial concerns, and professional challenges unimaginable a few weeks ago.
In this challenging time, the Board of Trustees and the Leadership Team of The Colorado Springs School, including incoming Head of School Ms. Tambi Tyler, are deepening our commitment to our students, parents, and staff. School is open; only our buildings are closed. In fact, I don’t know if we have ever been more open – to new ideas, to new platforms, and to creating conversations within this wonderful community. We are very proud of our work on e-Learning programs and of the positive feedback we’ve received on reinventing the delivery of a CSS education, and we will continue to get better.
While there are many unknowns, there are some things we can plan on.
This spring our students will learn a great deal and be well prepared for their next school year, whether that is kindergarten or the college of their choice.
We will celebrate the Seniors and graduate the formidable Class of 2020 in May! We will also celebrate the milestones of 5th grade and 8th grade Continuations. If we are unable to celebrate in person at the end of the school year, we will innovate new ceremonies with student and parent input. Treasured traditions might take new shape yet will convey an immense spirit of gratitude for our students and respect for their accomplishments.
We are staffed and prepared to run all of our signature programs the moment we are allowed to return to our beautiful campus. The COVID-19 crisis has made it clear that kids and families need, now more than ever, the mentorship and active education delivered at CSS.
The spirit of innovation so evident in our classrooms is also being brought to the Gala. In 12 days, we will host The Family Couch e-Gala & Auction virtually instead of in person. The event will celebrate community and parent partnership and will raise needed funds to support indexed tuition and teacher and staff salaries at CSS. Details will follow, but please join us (in your home) for a “carry-out” dinner prepared by Chef Lori, a brief but heartfelt program, and mobile bidding! It has never been a better time to reconnect with our friends and peers and to support and celebrate the essential work of the school.
As is typical at this time of year, we will be sending communication from the Admissions and Business Offices in the next week or so, which will outline tuition options and actions for the 2020-2021 school year. As always, the May 1st deadline is critical as it helps us plan for our program and staffing for the 2020-2021 school year. Please reach out to Joy Maguire-Parsons or Ron Marko about tuition and payment options, the availability of indexed tuition funds (if needed), and deadline extensions (if needed). They welcome the opportunity to answer your questions.
Thanks for reading. In the spirit of openness and community, please join me for a parent google hangout coffee this Friday, April 10 at 9:00 a.m. for a chance to connect about CSS.
Warm regards,
Aaron Schubach
The Colorado Springs School
Head of School