As we close the school year, we will gather as a community for frozen treats on Tuesday, May 24, 2016 on the quad. Current students, current families, grandparents, alumni, past parents, past faculty, neighbors and friends are encouraged to join us as we bring a close to the 2015-2016 school year and offer “best wishes” to two longstanding faculty members as they retire from
The Colorado Springs School.
For those who can not join us, please feel free to share your farewell wishes and memories with us on Facebook.
Mr. Will Biedermann, Physical Education Teacher
Mr. B. may have worn the title of Physical Education teacher on his nametag but that was only because there was not enough space to express the many roles he truly played. We are also proud to call Mr. B –- the inaugural Mountain Bike team coach, Mr. Hydration, a champion for brain/body connections for health and wellness, outdoor wilderness extraordinaire, seminar leader, Walkabout guide, father of the 21st Century Team Challenge (formerly known as Children’s School Field Day), banjo man, Revue cast member, mentor and friend. Some have even commented over the years that they believe Will wore a superman cape under his athletic gear and his superpower was recognizing the needs of kids and connecting them on their level – and his masterful teaching and mentoring powers were fueled by drinking plenty of water!
Click here to give a shout out to Mr. Will Biedermann for his 23 years of service.
Mr. Sam Johnson, Upper School Science Teacher
A champion of experiential education, Sam is not just your ordinary Upper School science teacher with a love for Biology and Chemistry. He exudes a passion for life-long learning. He is a renaissance man with developed interests as an author, a composer, an artist, and most notably as a scientist. He may be best known on campus as the “moth man” and his popularized Moth song has been sung many times over in the Upper School, on Mountain Caravan, and even shared on YouTube. More seriously, Sam gifted the school its alma mater during the 50th anniversary celebration in 2012. Mr. Sam Johnson directed the Experience Centered Seminar (ECS) program for years and is credited with bringing fire to campus in way of the first Great Iron Pour ECS in conjunction with Mr. Hans Wolfe. During the 90s, Sam served as Head of Upper School. For decades, Sam’s students have excelled on the Advanced Placement Biology and Chemistry exams, known as two of the toughest AP curriculum across the nation.
Click here to give a shout out to Mr. Sam Johnson for his 25 years of service.