A big part of our time in Morondava was being a part of the homestay experience. In a way, I think that it all changed our lives in a drastic or minor way. Since a lot of people had an amazing time, saying goodbye was one of the hardest thing a lot of groups struggled with. Connecting with some of the most kind and amazing people we’ve ever met in our lives felt so good. For the ones who were homesick, our homestays provided us a home-away-from-home, which helped students simply feel better.
Our goodbye ceremony with everyone was extremely emotional. Multiple different host sisters and brothers started crying and hugging the students, asking them not to leave. This, of course, made some of the students teary-eyed as well. Spending four days with complete strangers from the beginning changed into memories many of us will never forget.
Knowing people all around the world are willing to take strangers in and care for them as if it’s their own family is so powerful. Having this time with these families was absolutely incredible, and many of us can’t wait to see our new addition of the family one day soon.
See more photos from Madagascar ECS here.
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