We started off our day by packing and going to breakfast. We split up into two groups for breakfast. Then we all met back up at the hotel and loaded up our stuff onto the bus. Then we walked to La Coraie. We had a meeting about our homestay families. Then about an hour later we got to meet our homestay families. We all introduced ourselves and then had lunch together, where we all got to know each other. We then all went our separate ways and went home with each of our homestay families. Elise, Ariel and I were so excited to see our homestay families. Christian and Crystal picked us up at lunch and we took pouspous back to their house. They were all very welcoming and showed us our room, which was very big and nice. We then had dinner. For dinner, we had French fries and zebu meat, which was very delicious. We then went back to our room and debriefed our day and then went back to sleep.
See more photos from Madagascar ECS here.
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