Experiential education is a hallmark of students’ experiences at The Colorado Springs School. From February 16 to March 18, Middle School students look forward to selecting from a unique offering of Artist in Residence (AIR) courses.
This program allows Middle School students the opportunity to expand their artistic horizons. Visiting artists from the community are invited to teach courses on unique topics, exposing students to new mediums and highly skilled teachers. Past classes have included
knitting and fiber arts, world music, and plein air painting. Students enjoy the variety that these seminars add to their fine and performing arts education. It is an opportunity to draw from a community of experts and professionals for a period of short-term but intensive study. This year, the school welcomes two artists who bring a special focus onto the performing arts:
Rochele Roebuck comes with an impressive dance history and repertoire and is teaching Modern & Movement Improvisation. Students in this class develop their own styles, steps, combinations, and choreography that create a unique and creative dance. Each day of class promises a new technique to unfold and incorporate.
For students wishing to express themselves musically, the school welcomed artist Carolyn Coker, who plays hand bells for the First United Methodist Church. Carolyn is teaching Hand Chime Choir, in which students will learn how to come together as an ensemble to play a variety of tunes, all with just one bell in each hand!
For Presley S. ’21, this is her second Artist in Residence course. She explained that she has a “passion for dance” and is inspired to take classes at a local dance studio after working with Roebuck.
These classes promise to culminate into a charming showcase of what the students learned. The final presentations are March 18, 2016, from 1:40-2:25 p.m. at the Louisa Performing Arts Center.
For more information on experiential learning at The Colorado Springs School, visit https://www.css.org/about-us/experiential-education.
To see photos from this year’s AIR classes, see our Facebook album.
For more information on The Colorado Springs School, contact Jessica L. James, Director of Communications, at jjames@css.org or on her cell phone at (719) 210-3499. Learn more about CSS at www.CSS.org, www.Facebook.com/TheColoradoSpringsSchool, or @CSSKodiaks on Twitter.