Sadly, today was the second to last day of ECS. We worked on our group project presentations and individual presentations. We split into our group and polished our presentation. We spent the whole morning, 8 to 11:45, working on our presentations. People who finished their presentations, helped others on their job. Most of the people helped with designing and giving feedback on a poster. After we had lunch, we went to Profe Kunze’s room and gave our presentations. The first group was Mia, Jaiden, and me. We presented about how Dance and Movement Therapy can help teenagers with anxiety and mood disorder. Our presentation included going to the gym for our own dance and movement therapy. Mia choreographed dance movements for two different songs, and we learned and danced. Then, we came back to reflect on how you felt while dancing or after dancing. A lot of people said it made their mood better because the music and movements were upbeat, which made them happy. The next group was Nora, Akayla, Sofia, and Kaisa. They presented about drawing as a way to deal with anxiety. For their group, we did a drawing and writing activity. We wrote what gave us anxiety in the word bubble, and we decorated the word based on how we felt. The next group was John, Aaron, and Noah. They presented about Amputee Art Therapy. We did an activity where we drew realistic eyes with our non-dominant hand. The last group was Katelyn, Diego, and Landon. They presented about culinary art therapy. This therapy was basically about cooking. Their activity was dipping marshmallow into a chocolate and putting toppings that we liked. These three therapies helped people to basically relax and to boost their self-esteem. Overall, today was a very relaxing day.