Today we hiked the Devisadero trail — a total of 6.4 miles. “Devisadero” translates into “Lookout Point” because it was used by the Pueblo Indians as a high point to check to see if Apaches were coming down to raid the pueblo, a common occurrence. We had a wonderful time and had the opportunity to bond while looking at different trees like juniper and white fir. The trail was challenging at times with thin trails covered in snow and lots of uphill climbing, but the view was astounding. We could see the entire city of Taos, the pueblo, and the mountains on all sides. We also got to draw in our journals when we reached the top and saw the view. Mr. Wolfe went around and helped students by teaching techniques like creating textures for far away land elements and how to make homes and rocks have a more believable three dimensional shape. The hike was beautiful with so many different features and was an amazing last hike of this ECS.
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