Today, we started off the day with Johnny Ortiz, a chef, herbologist, and potter, who came to talk to us about New Mexican herbs, roots, tea, and his business. He also made us a delicious Kota Osha root tea that he served in clay cups that he had made. He talked to us about his business, The Shed Project. Next, we split up into different groups for students to do different activities. Ten students went to the Pueblo Day school, four went to do watercolor painting with Patience Heyl, and two went back to work on the Red Willow Farm to work with Daniel Martinez. I was personally at the school, working with the 4th grade class there. Reese W. and I went to PE with the class and then worked with the students on Persuasive Writing in English. The four students who went to go painting with Patience learned some new techniques on watercolor painting and worked on the paintings they had started before. The main technique learned is called glazing, where one puts a wet color of paint onto a dry color to create a whole new color! The two who worked on Red Willow Farm worked with compost and organic matter broken down so much that it is almost charcoal. It is extremely good for the soil and helps put in minerals that we need in our everyday food. After all of these activities, we journeyed back to our cabin to reflect on the day.
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