Today was the long road to Santa Fe. Actually, it was only an hour and a half long, and the scenery was beautiful. There were mountains in the distance, old adobe houses by the highways, and rolling hills throughout the ride. When we arrived in Santa Fe, we were greeted by Lee Manning, an award winning photographer and close friend of Profe Kunze. Lee specializes in black and white film and is a volunteer docent at the . Leading us around the museum, Lee showed us many different artists who came to New Mexico to further their artistic pursuits. The art pieces were very different from each other, and all had a different style and a different story to tell. After the museum we went to the Santa Fe plaza. We had delicious fajitas from a small vendor, and then we all had time to walk around the plaza either to buy gifts or to just enjoy hanging with friends. Lastly, we went to Tent Rocks National Monument. Tent rocks literally look like upside down cones made out of rock. We took a short hike around the rocks, and then we made our way back to the vans to head “home” to Taos where the cooking crew made a wonderful dinner for us. It was a great way to spend a day in New Mexico!
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