After the two-hour delay on Monday, it was imperative that we jump right into the process of filmmaking. Day one consisted of soaking up all the information we could about filmmaking and the different roles involved, such as producer, director, etc. With a guest teacher, Dr. Taylor Nygaard, we were able to explore the different modes of documentary film; for example, the expository and poetic modes. We then watched examples of documentaries that employed the different modes. These short clips allowed us to see how varied and creative documentaries can be. Many students were able to start imagining potential pitches for documentaries of their own, and this is exactly what we began doing towards the end of the day. After our time in the classroom, we were released to go explore campus and practice capturing footage that answered the question, “What makes CSS, CSS?” Overall, we had a productive day of gaining deeper knowledge into filmmaking and got to dip our toes into the long, but beautiful process of creating a documentary. We are excited to continue putting work into our pitches and to start seeing projects develop!