Aaron Schubach, Head of School
Dear Friends and Families of The Colorado Springs School,

Are you looking for a rewarding experience for your Middle School student this summer? We have created something new that will satisfy a child’s natural desire to explore, experiment, and get a little messy!
Campers, are you ready to…
hold a brain and figure out who you are and who you want to become?
challenge yourself to new heights on a ropes course?
explore the dynamic results of coding a robot?
design an invention and test your creativity?
We invite you to join us in one of the three program levels: Brain Matters (5th and 6th graders); Rockets, Robots, and Research (6th and 7th graders); or Design and Deliver (7th and 8th graders) in our new summer camp program Full STEAM Ahead! The camp program, rooted in the foundation and philosophy of the successful CSS REACH program, serves middle school students from around the city, including a continued partnership with the esteemed
Peak Education program. For an intensive and fun-filled three-weeks, instructors and mentors will deliver an experiential Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Math curriculum. Full STEAM Ahead is staffed with teachers and student mentors from The Colorado Springs School who are well-versed in leading seminars and in making learning experiential and fun. Though the program is sequential, each year also stands alone, so students are invited to enter the program at any level of grade completion 5th through 8th and attend for just one year or consecutive years. We invite you to consider this new option for engaging your student in a summer of fun, learning, and personal growth.
Camp dates are June 12-29 with the 9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. camp day beginning and ending on the CSS campus. The session will conclude with an evening of presentations and closing ceremonies on the 29th. Explore our
website, invite a friend to attend Full STEAM Ahead, and learn about the quality and depth of teaching and learning at The Colorado Springs School. For more information, please contact Anna Sass at
asass@css.org or (719) 322-8595.
Register for Full STEAM Ahead
All the best,
Aaron Schubach
Head of School