Tall Ships ECS | Annaberg Plantation
Lauren M. '20 and Bela M. '20
We started today off anchored in Francis Bay, St. John. We took small boats to the shore and began with a small hike up to the ruins of the
Annaberg sugar mill and plantation. The walk was a delightful experience with beautiful scenery, palm trees, and weather. When we arrived at the top, the ocean view was breathtaking with bright turquoise waters. The remnants of the historic plantation helped us to understand more about the island’s use of slaves for sugar production. The stone ruins of the Annaberg windmill and surrounding structures showed us even more about their heavy history. Nonetheless, there was still laughter and intrigue surrounding the rich tropical vegetation. After visiting the Annaberg mill, we hiked back to the white sand beach, ate lunch, and began a snorkel excursion. We were able to admire turtles, remora, rays, and various other intriguing aquatic life. After snorkeling, we enjoyed spending time in the water and laying out on the beach before heading back to the ship. We took turns journaling and climbing the 90-foot shrouds for an amazing view of St. John and nearby islands (some of which are part of the British Virgin Islands, not the USVI)! All in all, today was an awesome day, and we are looking forward to making the most of the few days we have left in the USVI! See y’all soon!

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