Payton M. '19 and Joosung K. '19
Today was the longest day of sailing yet: it started at 6:15 a.m. raising the anchor. Our wake up-call was the rough seas, and then our long day ahead started (40 nautical miles). For some of the students this was torture, and some threw up from sea sickness. However, we all endured and still rotated through our daily activities, consisting of active watch, reading/journaling, knot tying, and celestial navigation. This connected to our anchor watch activity from last night because we tried to find as many constellations as possible. After our lesson we used sextants to measure the angle of the sun to add another form of navigation to our repertoire. During reading and reflection, we learned about two different knots, the monkey’s fist and the turk’s head, both very tedious. Later, we also went in groups to go sit on the bowsprit while sailing, which was very calming. Then, we set anchor in beautiful Francis Bay in St. John. We look forward to exploring this new island tomorrow.

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