To start off the last week of ECS we were surprised by a snow day. Some of us even ended up getting over a foot of snow! While it is amazing that Colorado got a good amount of snow, we still had lots of work to do while we were relaxing at home. We started the day off with some independent work.
From the CDC we did a packet called what’s in a syringe. In this assignment we decided if it was a good idea for a hypothetical basketball player named Tom to get steroid injections to aid him in healing his knee. We read up on how diseases like fungal meningitis could contaminate the syringe. To help this investigation we ended up making a flow chart and a diagram of the US showing how many cases of meningitis each state has. The results varied and we saw how numbers of cases can change depending on which state they are in. After that everyone was put into a google meet with their spreadsheet groupmates where Dr. Gillon could help us finalize the homework we did over the weekend. The afternoon was packed with information where Dr. Gillon explained game theory to us. It was an interesting topic that most of us weren’t familiar with. We took advantage of the snow day, and made the best out of a sudden bump in our plans.