I have experimented with different medias like drawing, sculpting, and photography in terms of creating art. Somehow, I never expected that VR could be one of the medias to create the art, especially that it can be the media that fits me the most. First of all, it’s simple and easy to operate: one computer with the Tilt Brush App, two controllers, and a 12x12 square feet space. These are all you need to create a world of imagination. The controller in the left hand is the palette for all different colors and textures; the controller in the right hand is the brush. By clicking the button on right controller, you can see the color with certain texture you want flowing out of your screen controller. Seeing colors, patterns and shapes being created so easily in your hand is a very special experience. Tilt brush gives you more freedom on what you want to create and better control of how to do it. The easy operation of this form of art can also generate the passion of making art for more people. Most importantly, it gives everyone a brand new perspective of the art you are creating. It provides opportunities for people to interact with what they’ve built and invite other to participate in the unique three-dimensional environment. Tilt brush is not only the frontier of technology, but also the frontier of art form. The power of VR+ Art is extraordinary!
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