After a run-through of the syllabus and course expectations for this ECS, Writers Gym jumped into a writing exercise involving a round robin of creative writing stations. These stations tested our imagination and our ability to collaborate with our peers. We worked with partners on various activities all about writing and the creative process. We got inspiration from these various activities, especially from the ekphrasic writing activity. In this activity, we studied a painting for a minute and in the following four minutes, we flipped the painting over. Then we listed the details and what we remembered about the painting. Next, we collaborated and created a story or poem about it. Another activity we participated in was the found objects writing activity. This exercise consisted of creating a picture with given objects and then writing a poem or short story about it. Both or these activities fueled our creativity and imagination, allowing us to explore our writing skills.
In the afternoon, we substituted our trip to Denver for a trip to the equally as amazing: the Colorado Springs Fine Arts Center. We toured the museum as an ECS, and later we were able to split up and write about an art piece of our choice. Some of our favorite artwork was The ReVOlution Continues and the Bernard Arnest exhibit. The ReVOlution Continues is an artists recreation of a futuristic Pueblo Revolt of 1680. It contained mannequins dressed in sci-fi costumes that resembled the Pueblo Indians and was created to inspire the younger generations. The Bernard Arnest exhibit was a collection of drawings about the time period right after World War 1. These drawings were insightful into the pain and suffering of the time. The medians of the drawings were mostly with pen and pencil, but some had watercolors as well. Students agreed that the FAC provided plenty of food for our imaginations.
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