STEAM Day and Fun Run Bring CSS Community Together
Students in the Children's and Middle School divisions enjoyed an out-of-this-world STEAM Day on Friday, November 19, 2021. Activities included exper…
ExEd Expo Showcases Hands-On Learning at CSS
Families from across the Pikes Peak region joined The Colorado Springs School for an afternoon of exciting hands-on learning and team-building activi…
CSS Holds Veterans Day Ceremony
Parents and grandparents – including special guest active duty servicemen and servicewomen, veterans, and spouses of current or former servicemen/wom…
Students Give Back Through Service
Middle Schoolers took part on November 3 in projects at Care and Share Food Bank for Southern Colorado and Concrete Couch and gave back to the School…
Middle School Embarks on Seminar I
The Middle School division embarked on Seminar I from October 18–20, 2021, as students and faculty spent three days and two nights camping and partic…
Revue Showcases Student Talent
The annual Revue is a chance for students and faculty/staff to showcase their talents through original performances. On Friday, October 1, 2021, they…
Children's School Engages in Fall Adventure
Students in grades Prekindergarten through 5 embarked on the School's annual Fall Adventure seminars this September to enhance community-building. Ou…
CSS Sophomore Breathes Life Into Cemeteries Throughout Region
Within a few weeks of moving to the Pikes Peak region, CSS sophomore Ahna W. ’24 sought volunteer opportunities that paired her love of history and w…
Preparing Students for a Dynamic World Through Hands-On Seminars
For the younger students, Fall Adventure focuses on community-building activities and features overnight stays both on- and off-campus.Estin Novak ha…