How e-Learning Engages Our Youngest Students
May 13, 2020 While e-Learning has been a huge adjustment for students all across the country, here at The Colorado Springs School our te…
A Message from the CSS Leadership Team: Looking Ahead to 2020-2021 & Reflecting on e-Learning
Aaron Schubach, Head of School May 07, 2020 Dear CSS Families,Thank you for celebrating the Head’s Holiday last…
CSS Hosts Virtual Model United Nations Worldwide Event
May 04, 2020 Members of the CSS Model United Nations were instrumental in planning and hosting what is believed to be the first Model…
Open Letter to the CSS Class of 2020
Aaron Schubach, Head of School April 25, 2020 On Saturday, April 25, 2020, a hand-signed letter and a box of coo…
Gratitude and Planning
Aaron Schubach, Head of School April 22, 2020 Dear CSS Families, Please join me in thanking our donors and volunt…
e-Gala Celebrated Uncommon Moments of Togetherness!
Jessica L. James, Director of Communications and Advancement April 19, 2020 At one point, our Google Hangout vid…
A Letter from an International Student: CSS, I’m saying goodbye
Philipp W. '22 April 15, 2020 Tenth grader Philipp W. has attended The Colorado Springs School during the 2019-2…
Head's Message on May Celebrations, Enrollment, and e-Gala
Aaron Schubach, Head of School April 07, 2020 Dear CSS Community, The silhouettes of Cheyenne Mountain and Pikes…
Changes for AP Exam Schedule and Format and Postponement of ACT/SATs
Sam Gaudet, Associate Head of School and AP Testing Coordinator April 07, 2020 On March 30, Trevor Packer, Senior Vice President…