Yellowstone| Pictures of Success
Joosung K. '19 March 21, 2018 ‘ECS.’ When CSS students hear this word, they get excited; many think that they can rest up from…
Yellowstone| For the Benefit and Enjoyment of the People
Lewis D. '18 March 17, 2018 Few gifts are greater than community service. Service incorporates kindness and a sort of sacrifice.…
Balancing Act | Mind, Body, Spirit
Zoe B. '21 March 17, 2018 On our first day of the second week of the Balancing Act ECS, we were introduced to Mrs. Jennifer Clar…
India | Cultural comparisons between Mexico ECS and India ECS
Ali G. '18, Senior March 12, 2018 Our ECS revolves around service and besides building toilets, we visited a special needs ce…
India | Tibetan National Uprising Day
Julia P. '18, Senior March 10, 2018 March 10th. This is a date that means little to Americans but for Tibetans, it is everythin…
Freedom on the River | Service and Soul on the River
Keyton L. ‘18, Estin N. ‘20, Kaylin P. ‘21, and Bela M. ‘20 March 15, 2018 Students started Tuesday, March 12, volunteering the…
Freedom on the River | Freedom and "Unfreedom"
Matt C. ‘19, Abrielle S. ‘20, Ian Y. ‘18, and Alair F., ‘21 March 15, 2018 The theme of freedom, or rather “unfreedom,” was tau…
Yellowstone| The Best Things in Life are Wild and Free
Autumn C. '20 March 15, 2018 Chilly morning air, stars dotting the dark sky, and breath freezing to sparkling clouds in an insta…
Yellowstone| Aches, Pains, Breaks, and Sprains: A Day of Wilderness First Aid
Autumn C. '21 March 09, 2018 What is the most useful skillset you’ve learned in your life? Although you may think of communicati…